Coe Lake clean-up was nothing less than a success! Around 100 attended this year’s event taking time out of their busy schedule to keep our community clean. They walked the shores of Coe Lake removing trash and debris. Moreover, a team of kayakers combed the shores in search of garbage in the hard-to-reach places.
Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday, April 30. Special thanks to our kayakers who removed garbage in the hard-to-reach places. Together we collected over 20 bags of trash including large pieces of garbage. Our lake is now a little cleaner.

Special thanks to Dick’s Bakery, Cafe Ah Roma, and the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District for supporting the event. For our volunteers, we had donuts, hot coffee, garden gloves, reusable bags, and hats and t-shirts. Thank you also to the Berea Rec for reserving the gazebo for the event and members of Berea Service. They graciously waited for us to finish our cleanup upon which they hauled away the garbage.
Coe Lake clean-up is part of the community’s efforts to reduce the impact of pollution in our waterways. This includes educating the public and working with the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District. Picking up trash not only helps to keep Coe Lake clean, but it keeps garbage from entering our waterways and ultimately making it to our Great Lake.
Rember that every day can be a cleanup day in that when we see trash in the environment we can pick it up and put it into a garbage can. Remember also to recycle plastic and cans. Together we can keep our environment clean.
Background of Coe Lake Clean-up
Sustainable Berea organized the Coe Lake clean-up. Sustainable Berea is a local group committed to sustainable practices. In addition, they run an informational booth at local events throughout the year. But that’s not all they do. They help sponsor programs like the new composting program in Berea.
If you would like to become a part of Sustainable Berea, you can email them at: [email protected] or visit them on their Facebook page: Sustainable Berea Facebook Page