All candidates have been invited to sign Berea’s Good Government Pledge.
Below is the pledge and the candidates who signed the pledge:
Berea’s Good Government Pledge
I, a candidate for Berea City Government, will serve the Berea Community and commit to the following Values:
Bear true faith and allegiance to the founding principles of our country that all are created equal.
Support the City of Berea and stand up for all Bereans.
Fulfill my obligations to Berea by actively participating in the legislative process and staying informed on all pending and proposed legislation.
Endeavor to listen to and keep my constituents engaged and informed of actions taken by the City of Berea.
Promote the City of Berea and look after all its citizens without regard to race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Listen and treat with respect those who do not agree with my points of view.
Take ownership of mistakes made.
Be open and honest in all official duties.
Deal fairly and honestly with the community when acting in my official capacity or when campaigning for any office in Berea.
Refrain from spreading falsehoods about my opponent or mischaracterizing their positions.
Never use my official office or city resources for personal or political gain.

Erika Coble Running for Berea Ward 4
Erika Coble is a candidate for Ward 4 Berea. Erika promotes sustanable economic development.

Mary Brown Running for Berea City Council at Large
Mary Brown is running for Berea City Council at Large. Mary has served on City Council before and wants to use her expertise to help the city.

Daune Jaynes Running for Berea City Council at Large
Daune Jaynes is running for a at-large seat on the Berea City Council. She is known for her compassion and work in the community.