Local Interest, Opinion

Rudeness at Berea’s Concert Series


I am writing regarding the performance on July 3, 2021, at Coe Lake, featuring Simply Diamond (part of the Concert Series). Having witnessed rudeness towards the audience on the part of the band’s frontman that should not be tolerated he certainly should not be invited back. It is antithetical to the goodwill of a good town. During his act, he made several negative comments toward a woman, stating that she was “ruining (his) night,” finally asking that she be removed from the area in front of the stage. She appeared somewhat obsessive around the promised Neil Diamond elements of the show, which is not surprising, as one would assume that to be the featured music of a band fronting itself as Simply Diamond. What was less apparent was that she was a beautiful, but a neurologically atypical individual who have been ardently supporting the band throughout the show.

After the show, I did approach the stage and spent a few minutes with this individual. I explained that I thought that his confrontation with the audience was rude and inappropriate. While, it would have been the case, regardless of the status of the audience member, that she likely struggled with certain challenges, and had been left in tears by his behavior. He was belligerent and unrepentant. He actually seemed to have been aware of her struggles, but labeled her as the “worst person” he had had in an audience in over twenty years, and that people like her shouldn’t be allowed to come to a performance such as his. He then suggested that we fight, and I walked away.

Throughout his performance, he touted that he had been to Berea two years ago. Please help me ensure that he will not be back again. Also, despite his arrogance, he had to restart two of his songs because he flubbed them. But that is a separate matter.

The above letter was written on July 4. It is reprinted here in hopes that the city will not invite this band for 2022 Concert Series

Written By

Jeff Riskin


  1. John

    Sounds like he was just Simply Rude.