
In a democracy, voters should choose their politicians, shaping their future as a community. But this fundamental right is being eroded by politicians in Ohio, their tool of choice is gerrymandering. Gerrymandering flips the script by allowing politicians to pick their voters so they can’t be voted out of office. This takes the power of your vote right out of your hands. When districts are drawn to favor a politician, voters voices are muted, their choices limited, and their votes powerless. Politicians are beholden to their wealthy backers and not their voters.

Imagine going to vote, only to find out your vote doesn’t matter. That’s how gerrymandering works; It erodes our communities, diluting our power as voters and handing it over to the extremes of the political spectrum. It’s not just about drawing lines; it’s about whether anyone listens to our voices.

Gerrymandering fractures our communities, pitting neighbor against neighbor and community against community. It pushes politicians to cater to the fringes, leaving moderate voices and common ground behind. In this distorted reality, the true will of the people is lost, and democracy suffers.

The Solution: Taking Action Together

But here’s the encouraging news: We, the people of Ohio, can change this situation. The growing movement led by Citizens Not Politicians aims to abolish this unfair practice for good. They envision an Ohio where fair maps ensure that voters, not politicians, make the choices.

The Citizens Not Politicians Amendment marks the start of a path toward a responsive, accountable government. By taking back our democracy, we ensure that no politician can silence our voices. The amendment suggests establishing the Ohio Citizens Redistricting Commission to draw equitable district lines. This new body will include diverse Ohioans – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents from every region, explicitly excluding current and former politicians, party officials, and lobbyists.

This is about more than just drawing fairer maps. It’s about restoring the power of every vote, ensuring that every Ohioan’s voice is heard. Gerrymandering has divided us, weakened our collective power, and sown discord. But by working together, we can end it.

How You Can End Gerrymandering

So, what actions can you take? First, learn about gerrymandering and its detrimental effects. Discuss the issue with friends, family, and neighbors. Most importantly, join Citizens Not Politicians. By signing the petition, spreading the word, and advocating for a fair Ohio, you can make a real impact.

Change begins with us. Together, we can ensure that in Ohio, voters select their politicians, reversing the current norm. Let’s band together for a democracy where every voice counts, every vote matters, and every citizen can shape our future.

Join the movement at www.citizensnotpoliticians.org. Your vote is your voice. Let’s make sure it’s heard loud and clear.

their wealthy backers