Ballot Issues

Issue 1- Reproductive Medical Treatment


The Case for the Amendment:

Vote YES for Reproductive Freedom

In simple terms, this amendment aims to ensure that every person in Ohio has the right to make decisions about their own reproductive health. This includes decisions about contraception, fertility treatments, continuing a pregnancy, caring for a miscarriage, and abortion. The amendment ensures the State of Ohio cannot interfere with or discriminate against anyone who chooses to exercise these rights, or anyone who assists them unless it’s absolutely necessary for the person’s health. However, there are guidelines about when an abortion can take place, especially after the fetus can potentially survive outside the womb. This decision is made on a case-by-case basis, depending on the expert opinion of the treating physician.

Here’s why Ohioans are supporting this amendment:

  • It emphasizes personal and private decisions regarding reproductive health.
  • It protects against extreme abortion bans, especially in critical situations such as rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in danger.
  • A diverse group, including Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and many healthcare professionals, supports this amendment.
  • It safeguards both patients seeking reproductive healthcare and the professionals providing it from potential legal consequences.

By voting YES, you’re ensuring that the government does not interfere in deeply personal decisions related to reproductive health. Support the freedom to make personal medical choices without government intervention.

The Case Against the Amendment:

Vote NO for the Unborn’s Right to Life

The amendment, while championing reproductive freedom, also paves the way for abortions, including those in the later stages of pregnancy. Many argue this compromises the potential life of the unborn. The amendment’s language may be open to interpretation, with concerns that it could permit abortions even after a fetus could survive outside its mother’s womb—decisions left to the treating physician.

Reasons to consider voting NO:
  • A strong belief in the sanctity of life, emphasizing that every potential life should be given an opportunity.
  • Potential risks of sanctioning late-term abortions, are a matter of controversy and contradict the convictions of many.
  • The viewpoint that while individual freedoms are paramount, boundaries are necessary, especially when another potential life stands at the crossroads.
  • Ambiguities surrounding the term “fetal viability”, are determined subjectively by a physician, leading to varying interpretations.

By voting NO, you advocate for the potential life of the unborn, challenging the wide-ranging implications this amendment may carry.

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