Ballot Issues

Issue 2- Marijuana Legalization


The Case for Legalization of Marijuana

Vote YES on Issue 2

The Proposed Law: The proposed law, often referred to as Issue 2, aims to regulate, tax, and legalize marijuana for adults aged 21 and above in Ohio. If passed, a new division called the Division of Cannabis Control will oversee and regulate marijuana businesses. The law supports social and economic equality, giving certain benefits to disadvantaged groups. There will be strict rules on marijuana marketing and sales, with a special emphasis on keeping it away from minors. A 10% tax on marijuana sales will be imposed, and the revenue will be used for various state projects and initiatives.

Benefits of Voting YES:

  • Financial Benefits: Significant revenue will be funneled to the state, which will be utilized for public safety, infrastructure, drug prevention programs, and aiding communities adversely affected by past marijuana laws.
  • Addressing Past Inequities: It promotes equality by offering preferential treatment to certain applicants when issuing cannabis licenses, considering their social and economic disadvantages.
  • Safety and Regulation: It aims to reduce the black market for marijuana in Ohio by bringing the product under rigorous government oversight, ensuring quality and safety.
  • Medical Benefits: The law could enhance access to marijuana for medical reasons, offering therapeutic benefits without the side effects of conventional medication.

Issue 2 offers a chance to modernize Ohio’s stance on marijuana, drawing from successful models in other states. By regulating and taxing marijuana, the state can harness significant revenue for public benefit, promote social justice, and ensure the safety of the product. Voting YES is a step towards a progressive, inclusive, and regulated approach to marijuana usage.

The Case Against Legalization of Marijuana

Vote NO on Issue 5

The Proposed Law: Issue 5 on the upcoming ballot pushes for an additional tax to support Cuyahoga Community College, marking another instance of the institution seeking financial backing from the residents.

Reasons to Oppose Issue 5:

  • Increased Taxation: This proposal will raise property taxes, adding an extra burden to homeowners. Every homeowner would face an increase of $14 annually per $100,000 of their property’s assessed value.
  • Over-reliance on Levies: Tri-C has started depending more on property taxes in recent years, straying from its earlier models and putting more pressure on residents.
  • Budget Composition: A significant percentage of Tri-C’s budget comes from operating levies, raising questions about its financial management and sustainability in the long run.

 Issue 5 means more taxes and unclear benefits. With an increasing reliance on levies, it’s time to evaluate the real impact on homeowners and the commitments made by institutions.

 Protect your pocket. Vote NO on Issue 5!

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