Did not submit Candidate Introduction
Did not sign Berea's Good Govenment Pledge
My name is Steve Cika Jr. and I want to help bring back trust, transparency, accountability and sovereignty to all the students and families in the Berea City School District and that’s why I am cordially asking for your vote this November for the Berea City Schools Board of Education.
I am trying to practice what I preach by throwing my hat into this arena to give students and their families the ability to make the decisions they see fit for their unique educational experience. Decisions that are not obstructed nor influenced by politics, fear mongering or deception.
In the 22 years working in an educational setting myself, I have advocated for a team approach with the intricate and important decisions that each student faces being ultimately decided by the parents along with input from the professionals in the district.
Upon the community in November lies a monumental opportunity that has not been presented to the Berea City School students and parents for decades. That is the opportunity to get 3 candidates on the board that will put your constitutional rights and freedoms at the forefront of their agenda from day one.
No longer will the days of poor governance, failing school report cards, programs, school materials or curriculums that foster inappropriate content that harms our innocent children be accepted nor tolerated.
Berea City Schools should be inviting, enriching and tolerating of all students and families and their individual beliefs. However, if Keith, Larry and I get elected, one person’s beliefs will not be a catalyst to infringe upon the values, rights and beliefs of others.
Running this campaign is a daunting task but Keith, Larry and I are committed and all have stake in the game as our children and grandchildren attend Berea City Schools and we believe with our experience, guidance, team approach, creativity and unwavering tenacity can work with our families and community to deliver a safe and monumental learning experience for every student.
Thanks for visiting our site and please do not sit this election out in November as your rights as parents, and the rights and opportunities of our innocent children, are at stake here.
Steve Cika Jr.- Berea City Schools Board of Education Candidate

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